The Kumbari Story
2014 sees Kumbari celebrate sixty years owning, breeding, showing and other sports with Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
In 1954 Noel and Audrey Knight aquired a strange looking bull terrier, this turned out to be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Their first dog was Ch.Westaff Red Devil (Red) who was to become Australia's first show champion stafford on November 13, 1958. Red was such an exceptional dog, so there was no turning back, a life long passion commenced.
By the time I came along, Staffords were deeply entrenched in our family. Growing up with breed has given me love and understanding of the stafford that no other breed can measure against. Many have tried.
I began showing at age 5 and took an active interest in breeding from an early age. The Dogs Qld Inc (formerly CCCQ) gave permission for the Kumbari prefix to be tranfered from Mum to me in 1999. Kumbari is now the longest continuous prefix for staffords in Australia. I enjoy breeding and January 2011 saw the arrival of litter number 40.
I have been active in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Qld Inc since 1982 and was honoured with Life Membership in 1995. Mum was given Life Membership in 1989. I am currently Club Liason Officer, a role I love, I get to talk about Staffords.
My Husband and I relocated to Nanango in 1993, this gave me the opportunity to become more involved in breeding. I am a foundation member of The Nanango and District All Breeds Kennel Club and was honoured with Life Membership in 2007. I have conducted the club's obedience classes since 1994 and show training classes since 2005. I conducted Puppy Preschool classes for Nanango Vet Surgery from 2003 until it was sold in 2016. In March 2009 I was honoured to win the Master Dog Breeders and Associates award for Excellence in Contribution or Leadership in Canine Affairs. January 2011 I commenced Puppy Preschool at Barambah Vet Surgery, where my focus in on training and socializing.
My love of the stafford, breeding and showing, has given me the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and I am proud to say that many people who purchase one of my puppies have become true family friends.
To me, the stafford is active, agile, intelligent, tenacious and loyal and this is what I try to reproduce in each puppy, along with all the breed features that makes a stafford a stafford.
I am proud of all the dogs I have bred that have become show and obedience champions, but most of all I am proud of all the dogs I have bred that brought so much joy, companionship, devotion, strength and love to thier families, young and old.
I look forward to being able to honour this proud breed by continuing to produce, exhibit and compete with quality honest animals.
