Kumbari Staffords 

Endurance Test 2018

This year Ada, Toplace Atalanta represented staffords at the annual Endurance Test conducted by Nanango  Kennel Club.  IMO to only modern way to test the physical and mental fitness and stability is this type of test.  Due to the dog's physical structure, such a test can only consist of a dog travelling at a suitable pace for a performance of some lengthy duration, which, it is known places an increasing load not only on its internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, but on many other aspects of the dog's physical structure and temperamental characteristics.  My training, conditioning and prepartion methods proved that Ada effortlessly peformed the test and now proudly wears ET title after her name.

Special thanks to her bike rider, Sue - thank you for all your work. 




Situated at Nanango Qld, part of the beautiful South Burnett,

2 1/2 hours drive north west of Brisbane

Genuine enquiries welcome

0437 109 162 Phone, Text and Email welcome

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